About Us
Welcome to Carl H. Sundahl Elementary School
Carl H. Sundahl Elementary School has served students residing on the northwest side of the American River in Folsom since September 1987. Sundahl is a K-5 learning environment. We operate on a traditional year calendar. Our student enrollment, reported on the California Basic Educational Data System (CBEDS) in October 2010, was 417 students. Our campus currently houses 13 classrooms, a library/media center, a technology lab, small group instructional spaces, a Learning Center, and a Student Care/Preschool Center. Our multipurpose room/cafeteria complex includes a stage/music room as well as a serving kitchen and indoor basketball court. Our Life Lab, an outdoor learning center, garden, and picnic bench area, was built by our PTA and Foundation. The PTA's Green Dolphin Program focuses on not only maintaining the garden area on campus, but also involves students through curricular classroom activities. The classrooms, library, technology lab, and office complex are linked through a computer network system that supports the instructional program technically and allows access to the Internet. Our library receives additional financial support from the Foundation and PTA. Through the coordination of fund raising efforts, Sundahl students receive in excess of 15 hours of Librarian Clerk time enabling each class to receive weekly library time. All classrooms are equipped with multiple computer stations and Internet access for curriculum and research support. Our technology lab presently houses 34 Internet-linked computers for student instruction, a teaching station and an LCD projector for group technology lessons. The technology lab was totally funded in Carl Sundahl Parent Foundation, with the computer aide funded by our School Site Council and Sundahl Foundation. Technology access for staff and students is a focus at Carl Sundahl which is supported by both teachers and parents.
At Carl Sundahl, we are committed to preparing all our children to achieve what we know they are capable of achieving. Our primary goal is to prepare our students to become responsible citizens and productive, caring members of our society. Our strong educational programs work to support each student in successfully meeting the challenges of learning. Opportunities for differentiated learning help to provide appropriate challenges for all students, including those identified for GATE.
Instructional intervention programs are offered to ensure all students are supported in meeting grade level standards in reading and math. These programs include Lexia interventions, an individualized "Read Naturally" program, small group pull-out math and reading tutorial programs as well as Response to Instruction (RtI) interventions through school wide Tier Programs in our Learning Center. A wide variety of curriculum and enrichment activities are offered by staff and parent volunteers, including Back to School Picnic, Math Night, International Walk & Ride Bike to School, Used Book Store, Red Ribbon Week, Winter Wonderland Breakfast, Primary and Intermediate Read-Ins, Dr. Tap Dance Performance, Author's Day, Accelerated Reader Celebration, District Track Meet, Jog-A-Thon, Talent Show, and after school enrichment classes, which have included but are not limited to drawing, Legos, choir, Musical Performance, and physical fitness.
Our school culture is to provide an academically challenging curriculum in a caring and positive school environment. Our highly skilled staff is comprised of all veteran teachers, numerous mentor teachers, and two National Board Certified instructors. A school wide program of "Dazzling Dolphins" recognizes and celebrates students' positive behaviors. Our active Student Council provides awareness of the importance of community service. Students, and families, benefit from trimester class lessons taught by our school psychologist. Past lessons have centered around and build on such topics as Understanding, Self-Control, Respect, Choices, Being an Optimist, and No Bullying.
Carl Sundahl is well known for its strong, supportive parent community. In addition to being classroom volunteers, parents also serve on our Site Council and Safety/SERT Committee, which assist with important curriculum, budget and facility decisions. Our PTA and Foundation parent groups plan numerous activities that serve as a positive bond between home and school and provide financial support for many of our programs.