The Importance of School Attendance / Robocalls / Truancy Letters and Independent Studies
You can report absences two ways:
Online, or call 916-294-2425 (press 1) and leave a voice message, detailing student name, teacher, parent name, date of absence, reason for the absence (illness, vacation, appointment, etc).
If your child has been seen by a medical professional, please email or bring a note to the school office. A doctor's note enables us to code your child's absence as medically verified. Late arrivals can be coded as excused tardy with notes or appointment cards.
A student is allowed 10 days of ill parent verified absences per year. After 10 days, we require a doctor's note to clear any absences thereafter.
Please note that vacations and absences, other than illness are considered unexcused and will automatically generate truancy letters (see below).
Late arrivals:
The bell rings at 8:15am (for Kinder am - 5th grade) and 11:24am (for Kinder pm students). If your student is late, please visit the office to sign them in on the late arrival sheet and collect a late slip, this enables the office to mark their attendance correctly, as the teacher may have already taken attendance and marked them absent.
Robocalls and roboemails are automatically generated. Data for these calls are collected at 9:25am (for grades: Kinder am - 5 grade) and 12:30pm (for Kinder pm). The calls to parents are made at 10:00am and 1pm. If you have not advised the school of your students absence by the time data is collected, you will receive an automated call.
Attendance in the early grades
Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow
Did you receive a Truancy Letter?
- First truancy letter generated after 3 unexcused absences.
- Second truancy letter generated after 6 unexcused absences.
- Third truancy letter generated after 9 unexcused absences.
- Fourth truancy letter generated, parents will receive a SART (School Attendance Review Team) letter, requesting a conference.
Did you receive an Excessive Excused Letter?
- First excessive excused letter generated after 5 excused absences.
- Second excessive excused letter generated after 10 excused absences.
- Chronic letter generated if a student has missed 10% of instructional days.
Independent Study Contracts:
Please plan your vacations during school holidays where possible. An Independent Study K-12 Contract can cover a minimum of 3 days and a maximum of 14 days per student for the entire school year, (please review the requirements on page 2, prior to submission). You can either pick up a contract from the school office or print and complete the form and return to at least 10 days prior to the absence for processing. Assigned work, must be returned to the school office on the scheduled due date (typically the students first day back). Work not returned or returned late is considered void of the contract, resulting in zero attendance credit. Partially completed work turned in on the scheduled date will receive partial attendance credit.
No Independent Studies are permitted the first two weeks of school or the last two weeks of school.